
Bounty Hunter
surface grain:
Full Grain
1.0 - 1.2 mm
special effects:
Wax Pull Up
finish origin:
hide size:
50 square feet (approximate) square feet \(approximate\)
A (View our Leather Protection Guide for further instructions)


note: Natural color will vary by hide. Remember that a swatch is a general of the representation of the leathers color and texture, not an exact match. Scars, marks, and brandings are not flaws but rather are proof of authenticity. Expect color variation.


DESCRIPTION: Bounty Hunter was designed in Italy to illustrate how sophisticated and remarkably soft a casual leather can be. Featuring varying hues of colors that cascade across the hide, this leather's authentic, worn-in aesthetic is marked by its weathered warmth and rich tactile appeal. During tanning, hides are lightly dressed with oil and soft waxes, then lightly polished and milled to create a vintage look. This less-is-more. approach in tanning preserves and celebrates the beauty of this natural material.