
Stallone Fossil
surface grain:
Full Grain
0.9 - 1.1 mm
special effects:
Hand Sanded - Distressed
finish origin:
hide size:
45 Square Feet square feet \(approximate\)
A (View our Leather Protection Guide for further instructions)


note: Natural Color will vary by hide. Remember that a swatch is a general representation of the leather's color and texture, not an exact match. Scars, marks, and branding are not flaws but rather are proof of authenticity. Expect color and texture variation.






DESCRIPTION: Every hide of Stallone will have personality of its own. Drum dyed, Stallone hides are then hand sanded, giving each one an individual look, accented by the natural markings that Mother Nature has already provided. A coat of silicon completes the process leaving a finished article that will be uniquely rustic without a raspy feel. The leather enthusiast will recognize it as a natural product with the healed scars, fat wrinkles, and range marks. Due to the character of Stallone, significant color variations are to be expected and accepted. #expectvariation,